The Phantom of School Harassment in the Educational Units


INTRODUCTION, bullying is a problem that is producing considerable consequences for the educational community, families and society, it is important to identify the perception by students of the presence in their educational contexts of situations of violence. OBJECTIVE. Determine indicators of school bullying in educational institutions. METHOD. To measure School Bullying, the psychometric instrument CUVE3 School Violence Questionnaire was used, with a quantitative approach of a descriptive nature. RESULTS There are conducts on the part of the students that affect the good development of the classes making it difficult for the teacher to teach them as well as the students interested in attending them, situations of discrimination, physical violence both direct and indirect, presence of harassment through the information technologies and teacher communication and harassment to students, all at the middle level in terms of the percentile. So in violence through gossip, rumors, insults or speaking badly of someone with a (47.6%), violence through the ICT (15%), violence by theft, hide belongings and destruction (17.9%) and direct violence as the case of hits or fights with one (16.3%). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. All types of violence or bullying have serious consequences for the victim, even with consequences for the rest of his life, it is social responsibility to identify them and take corrective measures. Finally, policies aimed at the prevention, detection, monitoring and eradication of bullying and school violence in educational institutions must be established.

Feb 13, 2019
How to Cite
ACOSTA-PÉREZ, Paúl; CISNEROS-BEDÓN, Jorge. The Phantom of School Harassment in the Educational Units. CienciAmérica, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 74-89, feb. 2019. ISSN 1390-9592. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 may 2024. doi: