Interactive Game to Increase Visual Attention and Retention in Children with Down Syndrome

  • Eduardo Navas UTI
  • Alex Caisachana UTI


The present article seeks to use the new information and communication technologies in the construction of an interactive game (play -didactic) to increase attention and learning in children with down syndrome, it is a graphic platform whose interface was designed using specially elements Audiovisuals of objects that encourage affective,cognitive and behavioral processes with the animals, their habitat and their food, besides incorporating scenarios of easy association to improve their academic activity. The methodology used to design the first prototype was a survey of the total teachers of the "San Miguel" special center of Canton Salcedo and the Solidarity Fraternity Foundation of the Canton Latacunga. The prototype was built under the Adobe Flash platform and evaluated basically with 14 children aged 5 to 11 years, a quantitative analysis was carried out with this tool in which the results show a remarkable improvement in the attention and retention that the child directs to the game, achieving an interaction that facilitates the teaching-learning process.

Jan 31, 2018
How to Cite
NAVAS, Eduardo; CAISACHANA, Alex. Interactive Game to Increase Visual Attention and Retention in Children with Down Syndrome. CienciAmérica, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 30-36, jan. 2018. ISSN 1390-9592. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 may 2024.